Summer Internship Application Form

Information provided will be kept confidential. Please take time to provide answers in detail
*( The dates and slots you share should have a margin of 4 working days from the date of your application submission )
Yes No
Choose your preferred answer
Note: To each of the statements below please write your response as either AGREE or DISAGREE and further explain your position very briefly.
Choose the option which you feel is the most appropriate

Not enough food grains produced in the country
Not enough job opportunities for all
Children have become fussy about food
Inequitable distribution of wealth

Build a school where out of school children can study
Run Coaching Centres in the evening to educate these children
Speak to the local Panchayat Member/ MLA or Pradhan for the enrolment of dropped out children in the area.
Conduct public opinion building drives for enrolment of children
Find out the root causes that compel children to be out of school and attempt to address the same so that children can go to the school .
I Agree